Learning that your child or the youth that you care for has acted out sexually can be overwhelming and confusing, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Our support and education group for families and caregivers can provide you with a space to connect to others who may have similar struggles. It is a place to find support, learn about treatment, and ask questions about healthy sexual relationships and behaviors.
We understand that each family situation is different and therefore, offer support on either a one-on-one basis or through an ongoing support group. For those families choosing to participate in the support and education group, prior to starting the group you will meet with the facilitator one-on-one. This is an introductory session where you will get to know the facilitator one-on-one and ask any questions pertaining specifically to your family or situation.
To download a copy of the information for the Family and Caregiver Support and Education Group, click here.
Submit the form below, or contact us now 612-393-2259.
If you are a provider wanting to make a referral you can do so here or by contacting us 612-393-2259.
All families and/or caregivers will receive at least one, one-on-one session with the facilitator. For those who opt to not participate in the group and just want one-on-one education and support, individual sessions will be scheduled with the group’s facilitator.
For youth involved in treatment at Steps For Change, the family and caregiver education and support group can be billed through your insurance, if you have provided your insurance information. For youth who are court ordered to treatment at Steps For Change, group and/or one-on-one support is free of charge. For families that do not have a youth involved in treatment at Steps For Change, the support group is $180 for 6 weeks. If needed, payment plans are available. Please contact the Program Coordinator, Ashley Kvistberg, at 612-393-2259 or by email at Ashley.Kvistberg@stepsforchange.us
One-on-one sessions can be billed to insurance if you choose to provide your insurance information. Individuals are responsible for understanding their individual insurance benefits including copays and deductibles. For those on MA, sessions are at no cost to you.
For further details please see Steps For Change Fees and Appointment Policies form.
Each group session will contain a review of confidentiality, a quick check-in, and time to address any of your concerns. Each group session, the group members will decide how they want to spend the time whether that is learning about a topic (see below) or using the group time to process. The facilitator will present on a specific topic and invite discussion from the group. Sessions will be informational yet conversational in style, ensuring you gain the foundation you need to continue working with your youth.
Below are topics that can be covered during one-on-one sessions or during groups. If you feel you need further education on a specific topic please let the facilitator know as we are willing to address your needs.
Facilitator: Lori Alford, MA, LAMFT lori.alford@stepsforchange.us, 612-865-1725, text or call.
No one wants to have their adolescent engage in sex-specific treatment, but we know that with family involvement adolescents do better in treatment. We will take a closer look beyond what you learned at intake at what treatment looks like at Steps For Change and what you can expect your adolescent to learn.
This discussion will focus on what we know about why adolescents sexually act out, and it may not be for the reasons you think.
Healthy sexual behaviors are the focus of treatment, yet it is often challenging to understand what appropriate behavior looks like. In this session, we will discuss what is appropriate for your adolescent and answer any questions you may still have about adolescent sexuality.
Learn about Minnesota Criminal Sexual Contact. We will also look at what consent means according to the law and how an adolescent would apply consent to their sexual choices.
What was it like growing up in your home? Did your family discuss difficult topics or ignore them? Did you experience love or loathing? In this interactive session, you will create a family tree, or ‘genogram’ to map your relationship experiences with those you love. Be prepared with a pencil and paper.
John Bowlby defined attachment as a ‘lasting psychological connectedness between human beings.’ How do you ‘feel’ as a family? This discussion will cover the basic styles of attachment and tips to connect with one another more deeply.
Human needs are primary needs, which expand beyond our basic need for food, shelter, and clothing. This is the cornerstone of what your adolescent will be learning in treatment as it relates to understanding their sexually harming behavior. We will talk about the need for love and support being met or not, and how these apply to your youth.
Researchers believe when children are exposed to trauma, it activates their central nervous system and produces a stress hormone that prepares them to deal with potential danger. This increased alertness can be really uncomfortable, and often people try to get away from this feeling by finding different ways to escape. We will talk about how trauma may have impacted your adolescent’s experience and learn how treatment can help.
However you may feel about pornography, it is here to stay and your adolescent has likely been exposed to this material. We will talk about how to deal with it when it happens and strategies to assist your adolescent in making healthy choices regarding explicit material.
Why does my kid think that way? They may be using a distorted or faulty way of thinking that is getting in the way of taking responsibility for their actions. This session will focus on some of the most common defense mechanisms and how to challenge them.
This session will focus on how to bring your family back together safely, particularly for those family members who were harmed. We’ll discuss any current safety plans you may have and the steps needed for reconciliation or reunification.
Empathy is the ability to stand in someone else’s shoes and share their feelings. We will discuss how a shame response to acting out sexually may block empathy and how you can assist in making a difference for your adolescent in making amends.
Treatment is an opportunity to address harmful behaviors but extends well beyond the therapy room. What can I expect of my adolescent now that they have completed the program? This session will focus on the ways therapy interventions can make life-long healthy changes for individuals.
Brooklyn Center Outpatient Office
6040 Earle Brown Dr. Suite 420
Brooklyn Center, MN 55430
Edina Outpatient Office
7401 Metro Blvd. Suite 495
Edina, MN 55439
Steps For Change (SFC) is using the information provided by credible sources, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the American Red Cross, to guide our approach to the virus. Currently, SFC’s offices remain closed to clients/families, guests, and non-essential personnel. SFC is still accepting new referrals and teletherapy appointments are being offered through Zoom to new and pre-existing clients. Our goal is to continue to provide good customer service to all our visitors and ensure all staff are employing best practices.
For more information please refer to the Steps For Change Preparedness Plan: SFC Covid-19 Preparedness Plan Effective 6.15.2020
When entering into a Steps For Change location, please abide by the following Safety Precautions: COVID19 Safety Precaution Policies 6.15.20 (COVID19 Safety Precaution Policies – Spanish 6.15.20)