
For Hope & Healing

Insurance Accepted Mental Health Treatment Programs Done By Passionate Professionals

Treatment for Sexual Behavior Problems For Youth in Minnesota

Sexual exploration plays a normal part in a child’s development. As they grow older, they begin to learn about their own bodies as well as the cultural and social rules about sexuality. But knowing the difference between normal sexual behavior versus unhealthy sexual behavior can be difficult.

At Steps For Change, we specialize in treating sexual behavior problems in children, adolescents, and young adults. We offer a safe and welcoming environment where clients learn healthy sexual boundaries. To find out about treatment for sexual behavior problems in the Minneapolis area, contact us today.

What Are Problematic Sexual Behaviors?

It’s no surprise that children and adolescents are curious. They are curious about their own bodies as well as others. This can lead to them experimenting sexually with their peers including having genital contact. Sexual behaviors at different ages are perfectly normal however, some sexual behaviors go beyond curiosity and are harmful.

These behaviors usually involve inappropriate touching of sexual body parts. These actions displayed by the child could put them in harm’s way as well as any other child or children that participated or witnessed it.

These sexual behaviors are not limited to one age group, gender, socioeconomic background, or cultural group. Some children might live in circumstances where their parents are divorced or together. Other children might have a history of being sexually abused or have experienced a traumatic event. Regardless of their background. Problematic sexual behaviors need to be treated.

Insurance Accepted

And Many More

Treatment For Sexual Behavior Problems with Steps For Change

Steps For Change is a community-based program specializing in the evaluation and treatment of youth 7 to 21-years-old who have engaged in sexually harming behaviors. Steps For Change provides services to both court order and non-court-ordered youth who have engaged in problematic sexual behaviors.

It’s our mission to make communities safer by assisting youth who have engaged in sexually harming behaviors. Our goal is to repair the harm done to their victims, their families, and within themselves while also reaffirming the youth’s intrinsic worth and holding them accountable for their behavior. The therapeutic foundation is an adaptation of the Good Lives Model™, which identifies sexually harming behavior as a maladaptive attempt to meet one or more basic human needs.

We recognize that youth who have engaged in problematic sexual behaviors are a diverse group with different abilities, capacities, and learning styles. Therefore, we have different treatment tracks and different curriculums to meet individual needs.

When Should Parents/Guardians Be Concerned?

As previously mentioned, sexual behaviors are normal during childhood, but parents should be concerned about their children’s sexual behaviors if any of the following are present:

It can be difficult to know how to react when learning your child has engaged in problematic sexual behaviors and there can be more questions than answers. in a variety of ways and there is no right or wrong reaction. It’s important to know that other parents and families have gone through this and that there is support to help you navigate what to do next.

At Steps For Change, we are prepared to help you and your family. We have a variety of therapeutic modalities and treatments to help children, adolescents, and young adults address their problematic sexual behaviors.

Steps For Change Problematic Sexual Behavior Therapy

Steps For Change is committed to helping individuals in our community.  In order to give you the best care, we offer individualized treatment tracks to put you on the path to success.  You’ll receive quality care from our expert mental health therapists who have years of experience in the industry.

Our mental health centers in Brooklyn Center and Edina, Minnesota are prepared to give you the help you need.    If you or a loved one has been affected by problematic sexual behaviors, contact us today to learn how we can help.  

How Steps For Change is Implementing Basic Infection Prevention Measures Regarding COVID-19

Steps For Change (SFC) is using the information provided by credible sources, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the American Red Cross, to guide our approach to the virus. Currently, SFC’s offices remain closed to clients/families, guests, and non-essential personnel. SFC is still accepting new referrals and teletherapy appointments are being offered through Zoom to new and pre-existing clients. Our goal is to continue to provide good customer service to all our visitors and ensure all staff are employing best practices.

For more information please refer to the Steps For Change Preparedness Plan: SFC Covid-19 Preparedness Plan Effective 6.15.2020

When entering into a Steps For Change location, please abide by the following Safety Precautions: COVID19 Safety Precaution Policies 6.15.20 (COVID19 Safety Precaution Policies – Spanish 6.15.20)