
For Hope & Healing

Insurance Accepted Mental Health Treatment Programs Done By Passionate Professionals

Psychosexual Evaluation in Minnesota

We understand how important a Psychosexual Evaluation can be and sometimes how quickly it is needed. Our staff is trained in Psychosexual Evaluations and provides a high standard of care in everything we do. We offer Psychosexual Evaluations in Minnesota both in person and via teletherapy. 

What is a Psychosexual Evaluation?

A Psychosexual Evaluation, also known as a PSE or a risk evaluation, takes into account a person’s familial relationships, sexual history, mental health, empathy levels, accountability for their sexual behaviors, motivations for sexually acting out, arousal patterns, cognitive functioning, attitudes toward sex and desire to make meaningful changes, to determine their risk to act out sexually in the future.

It’s important to make it clear that a Psychosexual Evaluation does not mean that someone is a ‘sex offender,’ the evaluation only clarifies treatment needs and the treatment setting (i.e., outpatient, residential, etc.).

Who Needs a Psychosexual Evaluation?

A Psychosexual Evaluation is not always needed for someone to receive treatment; however, they are helpful in determining individual treatment needs and creating a treatment plan. Most often, Psychosexul Evaluations are required or recommended by an official authority such as the court, child protection, etc., or is needed for residential placement.

Insurance Accepted

And Many More

Preparing for a Psychosexual Evaluation

Many people find themselves participating in a psychosexual evaluation without truly understanding what it is or the implications, this is why it is important to consult with a lawyer.

The best way to prepare for a psychosexual evaluation is to educate yourself on what it is and what to expect. If you have questions, it’s important to ask them before the evaluation starts.

Before beginning the psychosexual evaluation process, the following documents, if available/applicable, are helpful for the evaluator. The more information that can be provided, the more the evaluator can incorporate all aspects of the person into their evaluation and provide a holistic assessment.

Who Gives the Psychosexual Evaluation?

The evaluator must be a licensed clinician or under the supervision of a fully licensed clinician. Most professionals have an extensive background in mental health and are specifically trained in conducting Psychosexual Evaluations. At Steps For Change, our staff specializes in conducting Psychosexual Evaluations for children, youth and young adults.

Is a Psychosexual Evaluation Covered By Insurance?

At Steps For Change, we do not bill insurance for Psychosexual Evaluations. Payment is required before the evaluation begins.   

Teletherapy Options

Talk to a professional to learn if they are accepting in-person appointments. Ask about any stipulations or requirements that might be in place to keep everyone healthy. At Steps For Change, a Psychosexual Evaluation can be conducted via teletherapy if needed.

To learn more about psychosexual evaluation in Minnesota with Steps, schedule a phone call to talk to one of our knowledgeable staff. 

How Steps For Change is Implementing Basic Infection Prevention Measures Regarding COVID-19

Steps For Change (SFC) is using the information provided by credible sources, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the American Red Cross, to guide our approach to the virus. Currently, SFC’s offices remain closed to clients/families, guests, and non-essential personnel. SFC is still accepting new referrals and teletherapy appointments are being offered through Zoom to new and pre-existing clients. Our goal is to continue to provide good customer service to all our visitors and ensure all staff are employing best practices.

For more information please refer to the Steps For Change Preparedness Plan: SFC Covid-19 Preparedness Plan Effective 6.15.2020

When entering into a Steps For Change location, please abide by the following Safety Precautions: COVID19 Safety Precaution Policies 6.15.20 (COVID19 Safety Precaution Policies – Spanish 6.15.20)